1.What's your discord Name: AyushWasHere
2.Whats your IN-Game-NAME: hrua
3.how old are you:!4
4.why do you want to join the staff team: I honestly want to own my own server but trust me when i say it isn't easy,so i thought i should join to be a developer.
5.why should we pick you over the other people who applied: Pretty sure no one is as good as i am with plugins.
6.how will you improve the team: By making the minecraft server absolutely awesome!
7.Do you have past experience in staffing: Well no but i owned a server with 70+ members twice
8.do you have a working mic: Yes
9.Do you have a screen recording software : Yeah
10.what are your strengths: . As a person who is good with plugins i'd say i can put some work and make the minecraft server 10X better.
11.What are your weakness: I am not the most available person.