1.What's your discord Name
2.Whats your IN-Game-NAME
3.how old are you
4.why do you want to join the staff team
I have serve many small server andi want to serve a big server as yours and i want to increase the weight on my shoulder and so that i do my work honestly and patiently. So i have decide to join the staff and continue my work
5.why should we pick you over the other people who applied
As all of you are searching for a experienced staff and a staff who know well about the minecraft and discord also and also have the quality like honest, kind, patience, helpful, and active. I have all the quality that you need so i am hopping that is why you will choose me as I have experience of 1 year also.
6.how will you improve the team
I will share my experience of 1 year to all the new staff and guiding the that what should they do and what they should not do. Also I will be developing the server that much nice that all the other server player will come to cyber mc and play herehere and i we will work as a team but i will think that they are my brother/sister for supporting them and getting help from them
7.Do you have past experience in staffing
I have experience I was working as developer in mega mc &AI smp Admin in vision smp , owner in freak smp, helper in notzeus smp
8.do you have a working mic
Yes I have a nice quality mic
9.Do you have a screen recording software
I use to record with xbox recorder for better quality and sound for a nice evidence
10.what are your strengths
I very much know about the minecraft and discord both as my experience I can handle both that much easily that is is my smallest fingers work.
11.What are your weakness
I am little weak in discord but now after using the discord for that much time i know about it.
hank you so much sir