1.What's your discord Name: skullop6_9
2.Whats your IN-Game-NAME: Noobji1/Skull_Boi_YT
3.how old are you: 14
4.why do you want to join the staff team: I Want To Help You To Grow Server And Manage.
5.why should we pick you over the other people who applied: Cause I Have 2 Years Of Experience In Managing And Moderation.
6.how will you improve the team: I Will Manage The Players In The Server. Also I Will Try To Help In Developing.
7.Do you have past experience in staffing Yes, i Was Staff In The Banana Mc And More.
8.do you have a working mic: No.
9.Do you have a screen recording software: Yes.
10.what are your strengths: I Don't Know.
11.What are your weakness: Someone Insulting Me And Abusing Me.